Products Brass CPVC, UPVC & PPR Inserts PRODUCT RANGE:Brass CPVC InsertsBrass CPVC Male InsertsBrass CPVC Female InsertsBrass UPVC InsertsBrass UPVC Male InsertsBrass UPVC Female InsertsBrass PPR InsertsBrass PPR Male InsertsBrass PPR Female InsertsMATERIAL:Free Cutting Brass IS 319Free Cutting Brass BS 249High-Grade Free Cutting BrassRoHS Compliant BrassAny Special Brass Material Composition as per the customer’s requirements THREADS:ISO Metric, MM, PG, BSW, BSP, BSB, BSF, BA, NPT, NPTF, UNC, UNF, UNEFAny threads as per the customer’s requirementsSIZES:All standard sizes or based on specifications providedFINISH AND COATING:Natural BrassNickle PlatedChrome PlatedTin PlatedAny finish of plating as per requirements If you have any query about any product then write to us Enquiry